RKN Arquitectos

Social center in Morverde


Designers M. Red Korrir Ben Abbou

Promoter Public | Polytechnic University of Valencia

Location: Morvedre, Valencia.

Built area:   4.205,21 m²

The Morvedre neighborhood, located in the Saidia district, alongside the neighborhoods of Sant Antoni, Tormos, Marxalenes, and Trinitat, was once part of the ancien Vía Augusta romana, which endowed it with its own identity. This historical link between the city center and the outskirts of Valencia contributed to its productive and cultural development.

Below today , the focus of the project lies in a degraded area with some vacant and poorly maintained houses, along with an old apartment block that has been demolished, and narrow streets dominated by traffic. This functional vacuum in the neighborhood does not favor urban and social regeneration through the creation of cultural facilities.

The project is confronted with the challenge of revitalizing a neighborhood that has experienced progressive degradation, aiming to recover its historical value through function and architectural form. The proposal centers around creating a covered space that serves as a meeting point for the community of the neighborhood and the city at large. The proposal is based on a logical recovery of the connection between the ancient San Guillem Street and the Parc Caní through the creation of a square that acts as the culmination and focal point of the intervention, also connected to the plaza projected between Duato Street and Pepita Street.

The function encompasses two levels of program, one more permanent and the other more occasional, such as an auditorium and exhibition halls, with the aim of creating a space for social gatherings.